EDIT: We have a winner! Congrats, Andy! You can pick up your pair of free tickets at the HUGE Theater box office. It was random dumb luck, but you can pretend you won on merit.
As you may have heard, several times, the Mustache Rangers have their very own stage show. This show is put on every Thursday at the HUGE Improv Theater at 8pm.
And while the show is a low low low low $5 a ticket, you could win a pair of tickets for free! How, you may ask? It’s simple!
To win a pair of tickets, simple leave a comment below with the name of a brand new style of mustache!
Examples? You got it! How about the Frumpy Gardener? The Nose Tears? The Michael Jordan?
Easy. Now get to it! One winner will be chosen at random from the entries received before 2pm Central this Thursday.
Levi says
The Droopy Snookie
Allana says
The Gold-Digger’s ‘Stache
Andy Lechner says
The Crumbhaven.
Hannah says
The Veil Of Secrets.
Joel says
The Tickler