The Mustache Rangers are gearing up for their 100th podcast episode! In fact, the episode will be recorded LIVE in front of an audience this Friday! Would you like to be part of Mustache Rangers history? Well, it’s easy! Come to the show and have your laugh recorded forever.
We would like to fill the audience as full as possible, and Mix Tape Comedy has created a special offer for all Mustache Rangers fans. Just mention the Mustache Rangers Special and you will get 2 tickets for $10 instead of the standard 1 ticket for $10 price. Bring your friend. Bring your family. Bring the cute guy waiting in line to get into the Independent. But whatever you do, don’t stay home.
Here are the details:
What: Mix Tape Comedy
Where: Comedy Sportz Theater
When: February 27th, 2009 at 10:30 PM
Price: 2 tickets for $10 if you mention the Mustache Rangers Special!
Reservations: Encouraged! Call 612-870-1230
Need we say you get to see two other fantastic improv groups perform? It’s true! HUGE Theater and Boytron, both fantastically awesome, will be performing as well.
So let’s go over this again. You get to be part of Mustache Rangers history, you get to see three amazing improv groups, and you get a special discounted ticket rate. What is stopping you? Nothing. That’s what. Make those reservations, citizens and cadets. See you there!